美国原装进口Corentium氡气检测仪监测仪氡气仪 现货

  • 美国原装进口Corentium氡气检测仪监测仪氡气仪 现货
  • 所属分类:
  • 价    格:3113
  • 市场价格:
  • 今日价格: 有特价请联系
  • 优惠详情: 剩余数量总共数量
  • 最近热度:
  • 累计热度: 517
  • 综合得分:
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  • 品牌:Corentium
  • 货号:c9e89c1d198
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家wpure2011


  • 品牌:Corentium
  • 装修及施工内容:清洁环保

美国原装进口,Corentium by Airthings氡气检测装置,现货!

- 高精度, 电池供电,提供室内氡气的短、长期检测参数及报警!




  • Extremly high accurate 
  • 高准确度 
  • LCD display short term 1 day and 7 days, and long term 1 year average
  • LCD显示短时1天和7天以及长期1年的平均读数。
  • USA version in pCi/L
  • 美国版本(pCi/L
  • Designed in Europe, and tested in Japan, Germany, France & USA.
  • 在欧洲设计,在日本、德国、法国和美国测试。
  • Unaffected by humidity, electromagnetic interference and dust
  • 不受湿度、电磁干扰和尘埃的影响。

         State-Of-The-Art Radon Gas Detector

The Corentium Home by Airthings radon detector is a state-of-the-art measuring instrument that combines ease of use and performance. The Corentium Home by Airthings radon gas detector allows you to take a reading of the radon levels and its LCD screen displays the average daily, weekly and long term concentrations. Powered by 3 standard AAA batteries, the radon monitor makes it easy to take measurements from one room to another in order to get an overview of the concentrations of radon in a home, workplace, school, a daycare centre or any other location. The Corentium Home by Airthings radon detector is also an essential tool to use when performing property inspections or when checking the operation of a radon mitigation system. The internal architecture of the Corentium Home by Airthings radon monitor comes from advanced technology normally reserved for commercial-type detectors. Particular attention has been paid to the quality and protection of the internal components, allowing the use of algorithms for signal analysis that are more sophisticated. The Corentium Home by Airthings radon gas detector quickly adapts to its environment and eliminates inaccuracies related to external factors, allowing it to obtain the best accuracy in its niche. The Corentium Home by Airthings radon monitor is guaranteed for one year and in normal home use, it requires no annual calibrations throughout its useful life, estimated at over 10 years.



The Corentium QRI is the newest and most advanced electronic radon gas detector. 

The Corentium gives you the possibility to read the average radon level for 1 day, 7 days, and for one year, all at once. Being battery powered, the monitor can easily be moved to get the full overview of radon concentration in home, workplace, school or anywhere else. Compared to traditional technology, Corentium makes it much easier to identify room with higher radon concentration.

With an accuracy of ±5%, the Corentium is the most accurate electronic radon monitor for domestic use.

The detection of radon of the Corentium is based on the principle that radon gas diffuses into a detection chamber. When the radon atoms decay they emit energetic alpha particles. The alpha particles are detected by a silicon photo diode. Every alpha particle generates a small signal current when it hits the photo diode. By the use of a low-power amplifier stage the signal current is converted into a larger voltage signal. The maximum amplitude of the voltage signal is detected and sampled by an analog to digital converter (ADC). The amplitude is proportional to the energy of the alpha particle that hit the photo diode. The brain of the monitor is a micro-controller that registers the time and energy of every detected particle. This information is used to calculate the mean radon gas concentration for daily, weekly and yearly periods. This is all realized in electronic circuitry that in total only consumes a few microwatts of power, making the Corentium able to operate for almost 3 years on a single set of 3 small AAA alkaline batteries (included)
