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  • 所属分类:
  • 价    格:72
  • 市场价格:
  • 今日价格: 有特价请联系
  • 优惠详情: 剩余数量总共数量
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  • 累计热度: 605
  • 综合得分:
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  • 品牌:corning
  • 货号:da911d159a1
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家vslove2008


  • 品牌:corning






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About Us

Through acquisition and ongoing R&D investment, Corning now offers a more comprehensive range of premium, innovative

 laboratory products and solutions for a wide spectrum of life science applications. Our trusted, quality brands, backed by

 technical expertise, provide researchers with better ways to advance their research from the beginning of their process to

the end.

Our Corning®, PYREX®, Costar®, Axygen®, Gosselin™ and Corning cellgro® brands make us a global leader in consu-

-mable glass and plastic laboratory tools for life science research. We continue to lead the way in innovation with the

development and production of Corning® Epic® Technology for label-free detection, the HYPERFlask® Cell Culture

Vessel for increased cell yields, novel surfaces such as Ultra-Low Attachment and the Corning® CellBIND® Surfaces for

enhanced cell growth and assay performance, and our range of Axygen Maxymum Recovery® Tips and PCR products with

ultra smooth surfaces.

New! Discovery Labware
In October 2012 Corning completed the acquisition of the majority of BD’s Discovery Labware business. The Discovery Labware brands,

 including Falcon®, BioCoat™, and Matrigel®, have been incorporated into the Corning online catalog .

Over the coming months, we will be integrating the Discovery Labware business into Corning Life Sciences. Click here to get more information

 on how to place an order or get technical support in your region. For further information on this acquisition, including details of

the acquired brands and products, click here .

We are committed to meeting customers’ unique and changing needs with original solutions for today’s emerging life sciences technologies. Our dedication to quality, technology and innovation continues to enable us to produce the world’s most

comprehensive line of drug discovery tools.



> About Corning Products

In addition to being a global leader in consumable plastic laboratory tools for life science research, Corning continues to lead the way in

developing innovative solutions for cell culture such as the HYPERFlask Cell Culture Vessel for increased cell yields and novel surfaces

such as Corning Synthemax® for culturing stem cells, Corning Osteo Assay Surface for osteogenesis research and the Corning CeIlBIND

 Surface for enhanced assay performance.

> About Costar Products

The Costar brand of products for life sciences includes serological pipettes, cell culture microplates, Transwell® Permeable Supports,

multi-channel pipettors and many more products to meet your research needs.

> About Corning cellgro Products

The new Corning cellgro brand for media, sera and solutions offers a full line of standard and custom solutions for cell culture, cell therapy

 and bioprocess. Products include mammalian and cell culture media, salt solutions, antibiotics, supplements and reagents, dissociation

products, sera, molecular biology products and a wide variety of container types and sizes manufactured by Mediatech, Inc. Manassas, VA.

> About PYREX Products

For over 95 years, Corning has developed special glass for use in both chemical and life science laboratories. PYREX glassware is made from

 Type 1, Class A low expansion borosilicate glass that has become the accepted standard in chemistry labs across the globe.

> About Axygen Products

Through continuous new product innovation, Axygen products bring new standards to sample handling, delivery and storage, improving the

 way research is done in the laboratory today. Axygen products include a complete range of disposable tips from manual through to automation,

 as well as a range of high throughput screening microplates and PCR storage products.

> About Gosselin Products

Gosselin has been a pioneering brand of disposable labware for quality control and microbiology labs in industrial markets in Europe since 1965

and is now being introduced to food and beverage and environmental testing labs in North America. Gosselin offers a full range of products from sampling to disposal and offers peelable box labels printed with lot and sterility information for easy record keeping.






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