顺势疗法Boiron Optique布博眼部保健眼药水30支装,不含防腐剂

  • 顺势疗法Boiron Optique布博眼部保健眼药水30支装,不含防腐剂
  • 所属分类:
  • 价    格:121
  • 市场价格: 253
  • 今日价格: 有特价请联系
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  • 最近热度:
  • 累计热度: 430
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  • 品牌:Boiron
  • 货号:1db15c891ee
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家cloudwy77


  • 品牌:Boiron

品名;Boiron Optique  1®  Eye Irritation Drops布博纯天然成分眼水


规格;30支独立小管包装,很少一支可用两天,用于眼睛保健、Red 眼红;Dry  眼干;Itchy  眼睛发痒;Burning  眼睛烧灼等,清洁无菌不浪费。

  • Red   眼红
  • Dry   眼干
  • Itchy   眼睛发痒
  • Burning    眼睛烧灼

 Active Ingredients

Cineraria maritima 6C HPUS 1.50% Soothes red and irritated eyes
Euphrasia officinalis 4X HPUS 1.00% Relieves burning, irritated eyes
Calendula officinalis 4X HPUS 0.25% Relieves eye dryness associated with smoke or other airborne irritants
Kali muriaticum 10X HPUS 0.25% Alleviates gritty sensation (feeling of sand in the eye)
Calcarea fluorica 10X HPUS 0.25% Relieves eyestrain and fatigue characterized by flickering light
Magnesia carbonica 10X HPUS 0.25% Relieves sharp, flashing eye pain
Silicea 10X HPUS 0.25% Relieves tired eyes

Inactive Ingredients
Purified water, sodium chloride
The letters HPUS indicate that these ingredients are officially included in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States.

品牌成立于1917年,专业研发自然疗法/顺势疗法产品,产品采取天然成分,旨在增强人体自身 能力,而非用西医的化合物去压制症状带来潜在伤害。

本眼水无刺激,无副作用,您可以放心使用,尤其对于眼干 来说,可谓是难得的好东西。




  1. Snap off one single-use dose.每次1支
  2. Twist to open. 扭开
  3. Instill 1 or 2 drops in affected eye(s). 滴1-2滴在受感染眼睛

Repeat 2 to 6 times a day, as needed, or as directed by a doctor. 每天2-6次

Store at 68-77° (20-25°C)  20-25度室温下保存。

All -natural-Convenient Single-use Sterile Doses

Optique 1® combines homeopathic medicines traditionally used to treat eye irritation. Homeopathic medicines are made of very dilute substances and are regulated as drugs by the FDA. They are thought  to simulate our body's natural resources and are sage and reliable.
Optique 1® is made by Boiron, world leader in homeopathy. For more than 70 years, Boiron has been committed to funding scientific-research and education the public and health care professionals about homeopathic medicines.

All-natural, no drug interactions, No preservatives
Questions, Comments@

Visit us at boiron.com or call us toll free at:  1-800-BOIRON-1 (1-800-264-7661)


For temporary relief of minor eye irritation due to fatigue or airborne irritants such as ragweed, other pollens and dust.  Soothes red, dry, itchy, burning or tired eyes.


Use only if single-use dose container and glued end flaps on carton are intact.
To avoid contamination, do not touch tip of container to any surface.
Do not touch the eye with the tip of the container.
Do not reuse.  Once opened, discard.
Do not useif solution changes color or becomes cloudy.
Stop using this productand consult a doctor if you experience eye pain, changes in vision, continued redness or irritation of the eye, or if the condition worsens or persists for more than 72 hours.
Keep this and all medication out of the reach of children.  If you are pregnant or breast feeding, seek a health professional before use.

