卡门及三部现代芭蕾舞 Carlos Acosta 英国皇家芭蕾舞团/2015 25G

  • 卡门及三部现代芭蕾舞 Carlos Acosta 英国皇家芭蕾舞团/2015 25G
  • 所属分类:
  • 价    格:24
  • 市场价格:
  • 今日价格: 有特价请联系
  • 优惠详情: 剩余数量总共数量
  • 最近热度:
  • 累计热度: 498
  • 综合得分:
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  • 品牌:
  • 货号:5ca8d986ae69
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家知呼蜇谒


  • 歌手类型:合集
  • 音乐类型:古典音乐/Classical
  • 作曲家:其他
  • 存储介质:其它介质
  • 发行地区:其他

请注意: 高清,普通DVD碟机和DVD电脑光驱无法播放。


这是2015年11月12日,Carlos Acosta 在英皇的告别演出版 Carmen 卡门,

与 Marianela Nuñez 合作。

1 Bizet:Carmen 


2 Afternoon of a Faun,德彪西/牧神午后  编舞:罗宾斯

3 Viscera(这个我实在不知道怎么来翻译为好,哪个高手请给指点下,多谢!)

音乐采用:李伯曼/第一钢琴协奏曲 编舞:Liam Scarlett

4 Tchaikovsky pas de deux 柴可夫斯基/双人舞 编舞:巴兰钦

Viscera, Carmen, Afternoon of a Faun & Tchaikovsky pas de deux
Recorded live at the Royal Opera House, October (咨询特价)

1 Bizet:

Carmen arr. Martin Yates. Choreography: Carlos Acosta

Marianela Nuñez, Carlos Acosta, Federico Bonelli & Matthew Golding
Martin Yates

2 Debussy:

Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune
Choreography: Jerome Robbins
Sarah Lamb & Vadim Muntagirov
Emmanuel Plasson
Liebermann, L:

3 Viscera

Choreography: Liam Scarlett
Laura Morera, Marianela Nuñez & Ryoichi Hirano
Emmanuel Plasson

4 Tchaikovsky:

Pas de deux
Choreography: George Balanchine
Iana Salenko & Steven McRae
Emmanuel Plasson
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Carlos Acosta focuses on the dramatic essentials of love, jealousy and revenge in his new production of Carmen. As well as choreographing the production, Acosta dances a lead role.

Liam Scarlett has used Lowell Liebermann’s thrilling Piano Concerto No.1 as the inspiration for his similarly audacious choreography in Viscera.

Debussy’s evocative score is the inspiration for Jerome Robbins’s Afternoon of a Faun, which depicts two ballet dancers as absorbed by their own reflections as they are attracted to each other.

George Balanchine’s Tchaikovsky pas de deux uses a fragment of music composed for the 1877 production of Swan Lake for an eight-minute display of ballet bravura and technique.

Extra Features: Darcey Bussell and Carlos Acosta, Carlos Acosta farewell speech, Introduction to Viscera, Introduction to Carmen.

Running time: 118 minutes

Sound format: 2.0LPCM + 5.1(5.0) DTS



卡门及三部现代芭蕾舞 Carlos Acosta 英国皇家芭蕾舞团 真正50G

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